summer vibes

hears a few more @pjturns snaps from the weekend

pumpy @ vinewood 049

big shout out to theses dude for just being rad



mega 3 from tim and i quote , (whats the worst that could happen) still cant get over this man , shreddder

14700228181_6be7a0ed01_ovinewoods vines ……….

pumpy @ vinewood 052

tim and pom pom on the dial……….



pumpy @ vinewood 019

im sure i took photos of some sizziling sausages sizziling … infamos photo thief strikes again…  still got more to put up , time to hit the hay for now , peace yalll


post : will wiggins

will wiggins signing in for the 1st time

good day friends , this is my first post on hear so please bare with me i need to learn , big thanks to boyd for hooking me up with a log in.

the first session went off with a big bang this weeknd

vinewood tim

tim absolutly killed it spinning pg, what a savage dude

pumpy @ vinewood 058

tim and pom pom made it down the line first run ,which then followed with some close trains , choo chooo

i just want to say a big thankyou to everyone that came down , its been a long lonely winter but in this one day of riding it has made it all worth it , big thanks to the pumpy guys for coming and dialing stuff in , im stoked guys so thank you 🙂


thanks paul for taking some sweet snaps , awesome work buddy,

hole bunch of photos to come but for now lunch is over,

im not to sure how this is going to look , new learning curve

stooookeeeeedddd mannnn



pack your bags

and hit the open roadImageImageImageImageImageImageImage


 eight words that will ensure you have a good time. go see friends, go visit other trail building brothers works of art. get inspired. have fun. love your life.


guess who’s eminem….

so its been a while, but fear not, i amback! a combination of really shitty internet, quitting my job and preparing for a move to canada has meant zilch zero diddly squat time to put pictures up that maybe 10 peo0pple will actually see… we been tripping, digging, riding, making friends, seeing old ones, making plans, and most importantly, GETTING RAD. ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

psa for bondos birthday, hes finally 16. good on ya mate! and testing some lunkers, first runs didnt go too well, short lip syndrome got me real bad. come up short to probabbly chainring but deployed before, thought id done me other knee in, but its all gravy i can kneel down again now. anyway, bit of mellowing and lengthening and we were all systems go! pg tips, get a brew on! 


ive lived here for my whole life, and aside from a drunken bike pub bike crawl i had never cycled the whole strawb line. me and marth caught the train up to yatton and on a splendid day in may, we cycled the 23 miles home. aside from some mega chafe (i have bought shorts and slimmer saddle since) and having to push my lady up the hills, proving to be a bit dodge haha we made it. ImageImageImageImageImageImage


before the green exploded. want to see the green explosion? ….


okay where im stood, thats the “lip” , over the next line and next to the small tree… thats the landing. be afraid, be very afraid. ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

dialed in lawn. derek and co have some big jumps. i want to say that long one is 35ft+ and the next one…. ooosh. but in all seriousness, the stepdown before it. dave, you have a death wish. thanks to dezzer and the lads for having us. get painting boys! 

i have lots more to say, but no time. i have lots more photos too. the woods are green. 

rained out yesterday, but the sun is coming…. two jumps left to test and the woods are “done”


make fires, drink tea, talk shit. get out there and get rad.



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the scariest thing ive done on a bike

i dream of twisting dubs all day long but the ACL has got the better of me. thanks for a rad day jim and ralph


near and far, solo or team, sunshine or rain; its always good to go on a journey. some times you’re on your own, other times you are in a 306 with 5 people, 3 bikes, 6 bags, two wheels, one spade and a guitar. its the nature of the beast.  lets make like a hat and get ahead.ImageImageImage

rode pree vale plankhouse, crazy thing was, i thought the kids had gone back to school, turns out they like their inset days over in poole, regardless it was quiet (although the guys said it was busy?!) and i managed to snake a few scooters and nearly de-capitate myself on the roof…



where will your bmx take you? where will you let it take you? and if you do decide to roll that road out into the great unknown, who will you meet? will you apply the 90’s handshake howdya do my name is boyd, is this your local? hows it going? or will you apply the ’13 someone did a stunt, quick bro fist and then earphones back in?  i always choose the first option, and it has opened many doors for me, and ive had the pleasure of shaking many a good mans hand, and shared many a story to boot. get out there and start making your own incredi-novel.ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage



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made up a new month earlier called julune, its the best month of them all

a friend asked me to write why i ride bikes and whats so good about it so here goes;


to sum up my bike, and the bikes i have owned over the years; big wheels, small wheels, all wheels, in a few words would be impossible. 
for the most part my bike has opened up so many doors for me. enabled me to travel the world and hang out with other like minded riders, share stories and tell tales of our two wheel adventures. 
its made me friends from the get go, developed me as a person and shown me a path to take in life. one day many moons ago (9 years) i saw a clip on tv of a guy jumping off a pile of dirt, and was instantly hooked.

since that day ive been out digging in the woods, in the rain, the snow, the wind, and reaping the awards in the sunshine. slogging over slabs of earth, we build mounds of dirt, sculpted to perfection in the wet and left to bake under the sun. a series of jumps in a row is called “trails” and without it, i wouldnt be half the person i am today. its taught me patience & dedication, two traits that are hard to come by in this day and age. its formed my body, given me strength, given me a positive mindset. its opened my eyes to nature around me, how the earth works and how we work around it. but most importantly, its taken me around the world, to others; just like me, digging in the dirt, in the cold, wet, windy winters, for that slice of pure unadulterated summertime sunshine fun.

bmx isnt just a hobby to me.

its a way of life.



heres a coupla acres.

shit finally came together at the field and its fun as hell, and easy as hell. mission accomplished! Imagenow to clay the rest of the line… damn its gonna be fun. carhart clay master, bit of  dirt surfing! shakka brah



the man himself, without this dude, none of this woulda happened! thanks to wayne and his family. Image


one happy chappy after beating perfect red somerset ruby clay in -2 weather….Image

well in team. oooooshhh


more fun to come soon.. roll on those t shirt and shorts, cider in hand, after work sessions. riding as the sun goes down. 





prettyshady dot com








8 years ago i would sit behind my computer with  dial up internet and wait hours just to see 2 or 3 photos of trails around the uk that joe had been too. it was my biggest inspiration, and without it i might not of ever got into trails as much as i am today. last week i visited the man who created forementioned website, joe A, who now lives in france, who has a lush garden and many bikes that he is very proud of. its easy to take for granted today just how accessible trail media is with awesome stuff from jon over at canyoudigit and janis and angel & co at trail rambling, not to forget all the o.g blogs like barend, the shovelload, revenants, reign green, digital bmx, and countless others. id like to say thankyou for all your pictures and videos, theyve kept me going all these years and inspired me to start this mumbo jumbo myself. pick up and camera and photograph the shit outta everything, its rad.


happy 4 year anniversary to DIG FOUR VICTORY. (incase you are wondering the typo? dig for victory was taken…) YOUR TRAILS NEED YOU!


Cherish your solitude. Take trains by yourself to places you have never been. Sleep out alone under the stars. Learn how to drive a stick shift. Go so far away that you stop being afraid of not coming back. Say no when you don’t want to do something. Say yes if your instincts are strong, even if everyone around you disagrees. Decide whether you want to be liked or admired. Decide if fitting in is more important than finding out what you’re doing here. —Eve Ensler


i find great solitude in the woods, peace and quiet sometimes joined in holy matrimony with some turbowolf. there really is something magical about being in the woods, after a night of camping, in any set of woods, whenever i leave, i realise that there is a world outside, and for those hours i spent in the canopied paradise; nothing else mattered. 

clocks go back on saturday? im stoked to bits; life returns to mega awesome mode! bmx after work, woods after work, field after work, camping, roasting and much more!

dig for victory x

